Monday, June 8, 2015

A few good exotics

It was a nice Saturday morning circa 2005. Calm, not much going on but some some butter on pancakes, good coffee and the Dandy Dime classified ads. Then it all changed with Ted's ad selling Emus. What's an Emu? Think ostrich but with three toes. A call and a sale was made. Then a trip an hour away to pick up three baby emu in a Ford Escort, coupe. Take a moment to picture it. A very handsome man driving the tiny car, his equally handsome 12 year old son in the passenger seat and three baby emu in the back seat. Now they weren't as little as you might think, they could look out the windows. That means people could see them. Imagine the older couple in their RV driving down the highway, "honey? Did that good looking man have birds in the back seat?" Then there was the US Border Patrol check point that they had to go through. That's a story to go home and tell the family. "Guess what this ruggedly handsome man had in his car today? No not drugs, some weird looking birds."

Oh my life. So, the emu joined the peacocks we got a few weeks earlier.  I can't say that I thought the Emu were cute. Emu are funny looking, but they have personality. One day a mini van pulls up to the house and the guy comes to the door and says, "I think your birds are in my yard." Say what! And yes they were. They liked to fly the coop or they often flew the coop? Whatever, they liked to escape, and they can run up to 50 miles per hour. I have some pretty great video footage in my head of that handsome man of mine that I call Rab and my son Nick chasing the emu through the property.  Eventually they would catch them by successfully throwing a piece of fabric over there head. The theory is they will go to sleep like a cockatoo, whatever works.

Just because I am at the feed store way too much does not make me a farm girl.


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