Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Hay Day

Monday we decided to pack a picnic lunch and go to one of our favorite places, Sapillo Creek Campgroup in the Gila Wilderness. It is gorgeous primitive campground. We were excited to go but we were having a hard time getting out the door. Tasks kept presenting themselves, but we we were finally on our way out when a truck/tractor pulls up in the yard, it was our order of hay.Perfect timing. They dump the 103 bails of hays in front of the pole barn, they couldn't get it under the barn because the load was too tall. Then off to the forest we went.

We live in the Chicuahuan desert and it is amazing that we have forests like this so close to us. It's not unusual for the rains to roll in about 3pm during the summer months. And we got there just in time for the rain. Oh, I'm not complaining but our mode of dress wasn't prepared for a wet 30* temperature difference. We survived it though. The girls explored and found tent stakes that we left in the ground, the dogs ran freely as we were the only ones in the whole entire place, Rab enjoyed a nice nap with Winston, his dog. Don't mind the Winston, he's just being a dog.

By the time we got home it was 10:30pm and too late to move hay. Rab worked the next day and didn't get home until 6:30 and there were storms threatening, so the race against mother nature began.
                                                             Thunder was rolling.

And Rab was stacking hay under the barn as quick as he could. The girls and I raked up what was on the ground and loaded the hay cribs, waste not, want not. Right? He got it all done and it never rained! Nope, not one drop. But the hay is moved, nothing like a storm to light the fire to get it done.


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