It started with milking baby, the goat. She is usually very calm when I milk her, she prefers me over Rab for sure, I think its cause I'm a women and she feels like I "get it", but I've never lactated, little does she know. Anyway, the last two days she has been not so calm. She has managed to get her head out of the head lock, she was jumping, almost bucking. She has horns so I was starting to worry that I was gonna get knocked in the noggin. I stopped. I got about two cups, usually we get between 2.5-3 cups. Her routine has been changed a little and that is probably the problem, goats like routine.
Then it was time to get ready for work. I got in the shower, started with my normal routine. This girl likes routine too. I began shaving my legs, the razor was so dull I couldn't finish and the new razors were out of reach so I did what any girl would do, I shaved one leg. One leg. Ok, maybe 3/4 of a leg. Maybe you wouldn't do that, maybe you would get out of the shower, get cold and drip water everywhere to get that new razor but that's not in my routine.
Then I decided to sit down and look at Facebook for a minute. The first thing I saw was an article about something that triggered a reminder of something that I needed to do that was very important. I immediately put down my Ipad and went to get the letter that I needed to do what I needed to do. It wasn't were I left it, you know, on the corner of the kitchen table where everyone leaves their important papers. The hunt began. I looked and I looked and I no letter! It was nowhere to be found. I even looked through the kitchen trash. I need to find this! It was life or death, well just about. I was almost in a panic and praying for a miracle but it was time to call and end to the search and finish getting ready for work. I walked into my bedroom, almost in tears and just happened to look down and there it was on the floor next to Rab's nightstand. He "put" it away. I didn't get to take care of the task but just knowing that I can I can rest easy until I get to it.
Off to work. I love my job. I provide training, support groups and put together family activities for foster and adoptive families. We provide therapeutic childcare and I needed to stop and get them snacks. In our little town you can run in and out of our little market very fast. But not on the day that they have the anniversary party complete with jumping balloons. It took forever to get out of there and the traffic in the parking lot was insane. I had two new employees coming for their first day of work and they got there before me! UGH Anyway, today I had a coworker come and give a training. Our trainings are 3 hours long. That sounds like a long time but the trainings are interesting so the time goes by fast. Not today though! Oh, the training was great but my back hurt so badly! I was up and down the whole time. I couldn't take my pain killer until I got home and that would be a while because I had to go to the store but I had to go all the way home first to drop off the ducks.
The ducks. Ducks that a friend hatched out in a incubator from eggs her ducks laid. Three cut little ducks two of them are non quackers, kinda cool. We got home and my dark haired child went to put them in the chicken tractor and set up water for them while me and the blonde child unloaded my work stuff from my truck. I go check on the dark haired child and she was almost done. I told her to close up the tractor and come in to wash her hands and I will have a glass of water for her because it was 100* outside. She got done, came in drank and we went to town. Get home with their food and a quick dinner for us and the ducks are gone. Just GONE! She didn't close the chicken tractor and didn't tell me that she wasn't able to. She is my dependable child. I rarely feel like I have to check her work, she does things right and well, I was disappointed in her and myself for not checking. The hunt began. We looked and looked and no ducks. They were nowhere to be found. I did not look through the kitchen trash. We need to find them. This is life and death. We never found them. And now I have to tell my friend. Not looking forward to that.
While I was out looking for the ducks my dark haired child came out and said her sister threw the cat, it fell on the floor and slid on its belly. Then she picked it up again and threw it at her sister. Yes, AT her. Why? She was "having fun."
The dogs. I was out watering the trees and my dogs got out of the back yard through the gate that I left open. They BOLTED down the street. I am glad we live out of town where there is no traffic.
Do you get why I couldn't wait for this day to be over?
But as I sit here at 1:35 am unable to put this day to bed, I realize all the good that was in it. I got milk, found the paper, love my job, my dogs came home, the cat has 7 lives left. The only real bad was the poor poor baby ducks. See, I told you I'm not a farm girl.
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